Behind the Canvas

Behind the Canvas

Welcome to my first post!

If you had asked me a year ago if I would be starting a blog in 2021, I would have laughed you out of the room. But here we are and I couldn't be happier.  It is crazy what a year of Covid  can do to your life

Last February at this time, my life was a big ball of anxiety.  Some of the closest people around me were battling anxiety, depression and cancer, and I was barely holding on, trying to help others knowing that my own oxygen mask was not on properly.   On a personal level, the void that had been growing inside me was pushing my rib cage to get out and I began questioning my purpose and the everyday choices I made to fill my days. 

Then COVID hit.  And my dear friend Caroline lost her courageous battle against cancer. Life slowed down and accelerated at the same time, work transitioned to my dining room table and every outing to the grocery store, once mundane, became perilous.

my friend Caroline

 These events were the genesis of a journey to find myself and my  joy; and my joy became clear, I found it with paint, spatulas and brushes.  Painting has a way to heal, soothe and kick you in the gut all at the same time.   When I paint and create, I feel aligned, in peace and being who I was meant to be.   I was a closet artist that needed to come out.


I registered for courses, started to paint more consistently and revamped the website I had designed a few years back to post pictures of my paintings.  Just this last month, I started an online course about  the business side of art with badass Jodie King, a successful artist from Austin, Texas. I am loving it!  I have  made a commitment to my art and each day, I take steps to build it and my business.  

I also decided that part of my purpose of creating had to be to give back.  I have been privileged by life and believe in paying it forward.  That is why a portion of each sale is given to charity.  In 2020, I was so happy to donate over $600 tolocal food banks as part of #artgiving back.  

Now the killer question - why a blog?

Each of my paintings tell a story, an emotion or a memory.  Each painting is a part of me that comes out at times in the most unexpected ways.  This blog will talk about the creative process and the story behind the canvas.  It will also talk about life and its ups and downs, and undoubtedly my kids - the fury and non-fury ones!  

I hope you come along for the journey; it is going to be a fun ride!

my family

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Your artwork amazes me and this is such a great idea! It will be so interesting to see your creative process in action. I’m looking so forward to it. Thanks for sharing!


thanks for the visit and the comment Gord! Hmmm, good point, I guess it will be in front of and behind depending on the blog – the canvas itself has a lot to say at times :)


You are so creative! Best of luck with this project. But one question: if this is the blog of a painter, shouldn’t it be “In front of the canvas”?


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