Counting Down the Days

Counting Down the Days

I hope that you are all doing well and taking advantage of our renewed liberties this summer.  It seems that summer is flying by, as we reach the last week of July already!  Covid time does seem to go by quickly, or maybe that is just me aging and starting to take on the ‘time flies by so quickly’ middle-aged mantra!

The Glebe pop-up community art gallery will be wrapping up  at the end of July and I am grateful to have my first exhibition under my belt.  I learned a lot, including having a better appreciation of the kind of clients who are interested in my paintings.  It was not as successful as I had hoped for in terms of sales but it was extremely beneficial in terms of meeting some awesome fellow artists and learning from them.  I really value these new-found friendships and their openness to share their experience and exchange information - something so precious when you are starting out. 

 Here are a few of my more recent paintings.  I have been on a tree-bend for a while and I enjoyed painting them.  I have also been trying to work more on smaller canvases.  I really like to work on big surface - I like the physicality of it and the way a big painting can fill a space.  it has been a good challenge to work deliberately on smaller canvases as it is forcing me to change my approach and my tools.   A friend of mine has asked me to paint her mailbox, that will be a fun project over the coming weeks.


I find it harder to paint in the summer- like everyone else - I just want to be outside and see people whom I haven’t seen for so long. But I have started to think about what I want to do for the fall and that is exciting and scary all at the same time!  August is promising to be awesome with my three boys being back home and a 10-day trip to the Maritimes planned for the second half of August.  I can’t wait to not sleep in my bed!  I am most looking forward to experiencing the Cabot Trail, which I have never been to, and just sucking up inspiration and creativity, ... not being in front of a screen 8-9 hours a day.  Be on the look-out for some post-card blogs in the coming weeks!


How has your summer been going? Drop me a line, would love to know how you are making the summer of 2021 the best it can be!

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