

When I was a little girl, my mother told me that I always drew the same thing - sunsets.   It was always two mountains with the sun setting in between them and I assume some other details like birds, flowers and who knows, maybe even a few animals.  My mother supposedly decided that she needed to show me how to draw other things, like houses, and so she took it upon herself to show me how to draw different things.  

Vacation Bliss


I have been painting a lot of skies recently, including Vacation Bliss and Moving Clouds, and this story came back to me. I love painting skies and 40 years later, I am still doing it, it is almost a full 360 (although I do paint other things 😊.  It also reminded me of a phrase that one of the people I follow on social media used,  
“the soul is stronger than the will”.  I guess for me, skies are good for my soul, so you should expect to see a few more in the coming weeks and months!

Moving Clouds 

Emergence Collection 

Spring has finally arrived and I hope that you are able to soak up the rays and enjoy nature's rebirth. 

 I am excited to announce that I will be releasing my Emergence Collection on April 27th, just in time to celebrate Spring and Mother's Day. 


Why Emergence?

 Because the last two years have been hard. After two years of pandemic, I am finding that I need to rediscover what brings me joy. To be reacquainted with things that I love, such as travelling. But I am also finding that I need to find new joys, and explore new things, to move away from my (boring) routine of the last two years and be bold, surprised, amazed and most of all, thankful. We are living in hard times and it is easy to be discouraged. I am waging that focusing on joy will help shine a light in me, and around me. Who's with me? 


What will the Emergence Collection be?

Original acrylic paintings and maybe a few watercolours (only time will tell!) all below $250. As per usual, 25% of the proceeds will be donated to charity. For this Collection, the charities will be the Lab (www.aulab.ca) and the Red Cross, in support of the Ukrainian people.

 So stay tuned for more information as we get closer to April 27th. Naturally, those on my email distribution list will get first access to these new paintings! If you want to register for my email list, you simply need to go to my website and sign up.  

Spring of Hope

With all that is going on in the world, it is hard not to feel anxious about the future. Through their sheer will and actions, the Ukrainian people are teaching us what it means to be determined and, most of all, courageous.  As an artist, these events, undoubtedly shape my creative process.  A few weeks ago, I decided to take an older painting and rework it.  The painting was called On the Edge of Darkness.  It was not particularly dark and was created in the summer of 2020. While I can't recall why specifically I had chosen this title, it did have its shades of darkness in it, as if it was setting on the sun or light.


It took me a few painting sessions to see the new version emerge.  Using the texture from the first version, I shaped trees and branches, while augmenting it with new fresh paint carefully (and at times not so carefully) applied.

A new forest emerged and the colours of the leaves had of course to be yellow. From darkness came light... and hope.

I decided to call it Spring of Hope in honour of the Ukrainian people.  Part of the proceeds will go to the Red Cross.  It is hard to see so much suffering and feel helpless.  This is one of my ways to show support and help.


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1 comment

Thank you for tangible capture of real with soul resonance… can’t articulate well but so feel and appreciate. m

Marilyn Dyck

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