It is hard to believe that June is almost over already. It was an odd month for me - for a variety of reasons, I just felt off and had low energy. But summer is now here and I am on vacation for the next week and I have carefully planned out my week: sleep, eat, exercise and paint. And definitely not think about work.
This is my 12th blog post and I want to thank all of those who took the time to read them. I got the idea of writing a blog while taking a walk with my dogs one cold Ottawa winter morning and rather than just brush it away, I decided to act on it. I learned a lot through the process, including expanding my ability to express my true calling and self. This year has been all about putting myself out there, both through my art and my blog. Scary at (most) times, I honestly can say that it has helped me be more in sync with my true inner self and what do you know, my anxiety level overall is lower. Part of the creative process is to trust the process but like everything else, it is not done in a vacuum. As I began to increasingly trust the creative path, it permeates through other dimensions of my life. Rather than worrying, my inner thought process started whispering “things will be ok” like a gentle summer breeze, as opposed to the all-consuming anxiety winds. This has certainly been the most unexpected and welcome gift of 2021!
As my painting is getting stronger, I have decided to paint over a number of my older paintings. The most telling repaint was my recent painting called “You Have Come a Long Way”. The title really depicts the emotions I felt as I put the final touches on it. From the pictures below, you can see the richness and evolution of my confidence and artistic expression. I proudly hung it above my couch but it didn’t stay there long, as someone else also fell in love with it and purchased it. It is now hanging above Nancy and Rick’s couch and I couldn’t be happier.
With lots of painting planned over the coming weeks, please make sure that you regularly visit my website to see the latest additions. In terms of my blog, I will be writing on a more irregular basis this summer- vacations and all; but it will continue and evolve with me. I want to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend Lynn who proofreads all of my blog posts before I post them. If I make sense it is because of her :).
Have a great, artful and creative summer. If you are at Lansdowne Park in July, make sure to visit the Glebe Community Pop-up art gallery (Saturdays and Sundays, 11-5). There is so much wonderful talent waiting to be discovered in Ottawa.