Behind the canvas - a journey into my creative process RSS


I debated whether I should change the name of this blog post to Beyond the Paper given my upcoming watercolor collection that will drop on April 24th (save the date!).  As my good friend Gord told me when I launched this blog, why not call it in front of the canvas if it is more about the painter than the art.  Well, while he is right, it did become Beyond the Canvas and I am kind of digging it!

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The Last Time

They say that it is better to never let things unsaid.   That’s easy to say and hard to do. But when you just had the last conversation you will ever have with someone, in many cases without even knowing it, you realised the full meaning of the saying. A year ago last Thursday, I talked to my sister-in-law and one of my best friends for the last time.   We FaceTime, which we never did, as texting was our main way of communicating when we were not together.  She had just learned that her chemo treatments were no longer working and that doctors wanted to put her on a new type of chemo to see if it would help...

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The Other Shore

Before I delve into the story behind the painting The Other Shore, I would like to come back to the blog I wrote on my painting entitled Reach for the Peaks. 

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Opportunities knocking

Can you believe it has been a year since the world was forced to slow down?  So much, yet so little happened in the last year that it is hard for me, and I am sure others, to really say whether time flew by or not.  It did both at the same time. 

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Reach for the Peaks

Have you ever written a letter to money? As I alluded to in my first blog, I am currently taking an ArtBiz Mastermind class given by Jodie King from Austin, Texas, with 11 wonderful women from across the United States.  We are learning about the business of art, and sharing our journeys once a week in a 90+ minutes Zoom call.  These are always the best part of the course, as we are able to share and learn from each other.  And acknowledged that becoming and being an artist is a profound journey with its ups and downs.

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