Ottawa-based artist Mireille Laroche

Welcome! Bienvenue!

Mireille Laroche is an artist from Ottawa, Canada who paints to transform herself and the world around her. Using acrylic and mixed media, her art expresses her emotions, stories and discoveries that accompany her through her journey. Her paintings are characterised by vibrant colours and movement that she creates using mostly pallet knives and her hands. She is committed to paying it forward and helping others through her art, donating a portion of each sale to local charitable organisations. 

Mireille Laroche est une artiste d’Ottawa (Canada) qui exprime ses émotions, ses expériences et découvertes au travers de ses toiles peintes à l’acrylique hautes en couleurs, caractérisées par le mouvement. Elle peint la nature qui l’entoure  et qui peuple ses souvenirs en utilisant principalement des couteaux à palette et ses mains. Dédiée  à donner au suivant et à aider les autres à travers l'art, elle donne une partie des recettes de la vente de ses œuvres à des organisations caritatives locales.

She is a member of Art Lending of Ottawa since 2022. Click here to read about Art Lending of Ottawa in the Ottawa Citizen!

The Rising Up Collection is Now Available!

It consists of a series of high-quality prints to raise funds for two local organisations: Centre 507 in Ottawa and Le Centre d’intervention et de prévention en toxicomanie de l’outaouais (CIPTO) in Gatineau.

Click here to see the collection

Looking for art-inspired creations?

I have recently opened an ETSY shop to house all my artistic creations that fall outside fine arts. If you are looking for reproductions of orginal work or one-of-a-kind gifts and wearable art, click the button below to discover Be A Rebel

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